Friday, June 17, 2011
Gallbladder Nightmare
Saturday, November 06, 2010
Christian's Bold Response to an Atheist
Christian son, someday when your a lot older you will look back and read this and I pray you will still be shouting this message. I'm so proud of the Godly man your growing into and the amount of wisdom you have at 12 years old. Thank you for showing me how to bold and stand up for what you believe. It's amazing the things God can teach you through your children.
Below are 2 responses to this unbeliever on youtube.
See, God made us, not out of boredom, HE MADE US TO GIVE GLORY TO HIM! and there is no evidence that he is false...BUT THE OPPOSITE! :D Look at the world around you! The trees, the sky, the intelligent bees. These all require an intelligent designer, such as God, and that is evidence that God is true! It just makes me sad D:< when people say he is fake...BECAUSE I KNOW THERE IS A CHANCE THEY WILL BURN IN HELL FOREVER. THE BIBLE WARNS YOU! See here::
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Monday, February 01, 2010
Friday, December 25, 2009
Monday, November 09, 2009
Savannah won first place in the CHET Talent Show!
There was so much talent at the show. There were fiddle players, guitar players, pianist, poetry, and even a magician. I was amazed when watching the video of the show at how much talent was in that small group of homeschooled children. They all did a fantastic job. We are so proud of all you!
Sunday, July 05, 2009
Pray, Pray, Pray for Kate- Bear

This adorable little girl, Kate Mcrae was healthy,(it seemed) one day and the next day, June 29th she was diagnosed with an aggressive malignant brain tumor. This little girl's life and her family's life was changed forever that day. She was operated on Friday, July 3, 2009. Since the operation, as you can imagine, there have been many complications. Below I have copied a Journal entry posted tonight by Kate's Mom. It touched me and I hope it will make me think twice the next time I have the thought, "If I hear the word mommy one more time today, I'm going to scream."
I encourage you to read the journal entry below and the whole Journal at and then pray for this family and Kate McRay. Lord please heal this sweet child.
Do you know those days where your kids are endlessly calling "mommy"? I have had many of those in the past. My kids are 6 (she will be 7 in 2 weeks), 5 and 4. There were many times I would say "okay no one can call me mommy for 10 minutes, I just need quiet!". How many times did I complain about how it seemed like they were always pooping and I was always wiping. How I loved those days where I could lazily stay in my pjs and not wear any makeup. One word can change all of that. Cancer. Now I beg for my daughter to say mommy, just once, just for something for me to hang onto. I don't care if she screams it, slurs it, anything, just say mommy. Kate finally pooped today, in the bed (of which I was sharing with her). I was so excited to clean her up. She pooped! I kept telling her how proud I was of her. Now I rejoice that she poops, the surgery didn't effect that. As far as pajamas go, people here in the PICU might believe that it's possible I don't own any clothes. I would love to get out of pajamas. Just don't feel the need most days. Things change quickly and forever. We can never go back. We can never again be pre-cancer days. Our lives are forever altered. Just pray we can have post cancer days. Lives after God's healing. I want it so badly for my baby. So badly for me. So badly for Aaron. So badly for Olivia and Will.
Not sure what tomorrow holds. Possibly another MRI, I hope not. They are going to do another one to make sure the bleeding has stopped and see if the swelling has gone down.. (at least that is what I understood, but I don't hear a lot these days). If she has the MRI again that means more sedation and more intubation. AHHH! Please pray for Tuesday, I am absolutely dreading getting the pathology report back. I know most would think at least then you can move forward, come up with a plan. But the word, the diagnosis, one more layer of innocence torn away. Then it will be studying and hearing facts and statistics and prognoses. I don't want to.
Kate is crying. I need to help her. She is trying to say a word, but can't pronounce it. Help us God. Help my daughter! Heal her body, every single cell. Preserve her spirit. Help her fight. Give her rest.
*Pictures and post copied from If for any reason this is copyrighted please let me know and I will remove from my blog.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I'm So Excited
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
Momma, "Don't Cut My Wisk"
Savannah's Audition
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Christian got 2nd place in the Geography Bee
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Getting Better... Mystery Solved
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Weeks of Sickness
Now tonight my joint pain has gotten a lot worse and I have a rash all over my body so I am guessing I have Scarlet Fever. I pray I will feel much better tomorrow. Poor Allen has been a trooper helping the kids with their school today and taking care of me. I truly am blessed, even though I feel awful, God has allowed me to see how blessed I am with a Mom and Dad who are calling and checking on me regularly, friends bringing me food, children who say "can I get you anything mom?' and a husband who can do anything and does do everything without complaining. Thank you Jesus for the people you have put in my life.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Christian's best hit ever. A True Tripple!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Christian's Home Run Video
OK, Can you say, "Happiest , mom in the whole world?" Yes, that's what I was after Christian made it all the way around the bases when the other team over-threw the ball to first and Christian never looked back. He was like a freight train speeding around the bases. It made me want to cry when I saw all his teammates come out and congratulate him. You see, we were behind by 3 runs and it was our last time at bat and Christian was the first batter up. He had two strikes on him and the next pitch, he hit. After he made the home run everybody was pumped up and his team ended up getting ahead by one run. Unfortunately though, the other team had the last bat and walked away with the win. However, Christian was a big winner in this game and he walked away with the game ball. I have never seen a more excited little boy in all my life. It is a wonderful thing to see our children get excited and enjoy the little things in life that our good Lord blesses us with. Hopefully, there will be many more days like this for him to enjoy. I am so proud of you Christian and I love you with all my heart.
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Happy 13th Anniversary Honey!
I can't believe thirteen years have passed since our wedding day. I am happier today than I have ever been in my life. Allen, you bring so much happiness into my life. First and foremost you are truly a man of God, selfless in every way. I didn't even know such a man existed until I met you. You are such an example to everyone you come in contact with. You are exactly what I prayed for when I was in Israel. God answered my prayer, every detail of it. You make me laugh until my side hurts. You comfort me when I am sad. You are the most incredible father, I have ever seen, and as far as loving me, I want for nothing. you make me feel like a princess and like the most beautiful woman in the world. I could go on and on all night but then I would miss being able to spend that time with you. Every minute that I get to spend with you here on this earth is a blessing from God and I cherish every one with you. I pray that God will allow us to grow old together here and make many more memories together. Until death do we part. I love you.
Friday, August 29, 2008
Chop House Fun
We went out with some friends for dinner tonight at The Chop House Restaurant in Hendersonville. It was so much fun. I don't think I have laughed that hard in a very long time. It took us about three hours to take this picture because I couldn't get my phone to take a good picture and as you can see it is still pretty blurry. Bonnie I am showing up at the YMCA in the morning to see your outfit! and Vicki you better meet me there because it is going to be ___________. You fill in the blank with your favorite word! We have got to this again very soon. We are so blessed to have such wonderful friends.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Christian turns 10
I know, I know, that is the ugliest birthday cake you have ever seen. Well I am not very artistic and I really didn't want to spend $40 on a birthday cake from Publix. It might look sad but let me tell you, It was scrump-delicious. Strawberry cake is one of Christian's favorites so I made two for his birthday one with blue icing and one without and I have to say the one without the cheap blue icing was much better. I can't believe he is in the double digits now. Ten years old, How did that happen? Christian, you are growing into quite a young man.
You were fitted for contacts the other day and you are so excited about them you are putting your trial pair in about 10 times a day to practice. That's my Christian. If he wants something bad enough , by gollly he is going to get it. It is all or nothing with him. Sometimes that is good and sometimes, not so good. Enough rambling I guess. I just want you to know I am very proud of you and I love you with all my heart. Now I need to get off this computer and spend some time with you!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Titans Game 2008
This pic was taken after the game when we were thinking. I wonder if it is going to take us an hour to get home like it took us an hour to get here. It was worth it though for the memories.
Friday, August 01, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
A Few Days at the Lake
I know it has been a while since I blogged but we have been really busy. I am going to try and catch up on my blogging tomorrow or Friday on whats been going on in the Barnes' life. The picture above is from our wonderful trip to Tim's Ford Park on July the 7th-12th. To be continued...
Sunday, July 06, 2008
Best Friends
My best friend Julie posted this on her blog and I wanted to copy it here. We do miss seeing them as much as we use to but when we get together it is like we have never been apart. They are the kind of friends that you can just totally be yourself with. You know, the kind of friend that you can know is coming over for dinner but you don't get stressed at all because even if the house is a disaster, it's Julie and Bruce and they will love us no matter what. I am so excited about this week and the new memories we will make together at the lake. We are so blessed to have friends like them.
(No, we weren’t actually *in* a Colgate Ad but that’s how the 4 of us lovingly refer to this photo. Betcha can’t guess why. HA! Is it that obvious!?)
This is one of my favorite pictures of all time. Not because my teeth look whiter than they have ever been or ever will be, but because it’s of our best friends Cindi and Allen.
Ours is one of those friendships that was obviously Divinely ordained. Cindi and I met in Jr. High School. We were cheerleaders together - “Go Beavers!” (Yes, that was the name of the mascot. I don’t make this stuff up, people!) and we were skating rink buddies. We had sleepovers at each others’ houses and we went to the mall and movies together on Friday Nights. Most importantly, though, we were in the clique together. Now this was not just *a* clique, we were THE clique. You see, we were BEST FRIENDS FOREVER with a group of about 6 girls and “The Clique” was the name we gave ourselves. (Just a fun aside - Cindi’s brother was the school photographer and I was on the yearbook staff that year. Our pictures are all over our 8th grade annual. :o)
We moved on to High School together and cheered together in 9th grade but after that, Cindi moved to a private school. We remained friends but didn’t keep in touch. Until one day…..
When I was about 23 years old, God started professing His love for me so loudly to me that I could no longer ignore Him. I remember spending almost a week holed up in my bedroom reading The Gospels and Genesis with a pen and legal pad and really just dissecting His Word and reveling in how much He loved me. God opened my eyes to truths that I had heard forever but had never really embraced personally. He rescued me from the darkness in which I had been wandering and during that time, he led me to fellowship with other believers. The church that I started going to had a great Sunday School class for singles. I was meeting people my age who were fun to be around AND were seeking to Glorify God - a new concept for me at that time - and it was truly a blessing in my life. One day in the worship service I glanced over and saw a familiar face. It was my Jr. High “Clique Sister” and she was holding her beautiful 4 month old little girl. We hugged and started catching up on our lives and she introduced me to her sweet daughter Savannah and her husband Allen. I went out to lunch with them after church and it was like we’d never missed a minute. I started hanging out with them often and Cindi and Allen were both very encouraging to me in my walk with God.
A few months later I met Bruce in Sunday School and - as they say - the rest is history! Bruce and Allen became fast friends and we spent almost every weekend together.
The picture above was taken by Cindi’s brother who went on to become a professional photographer and would occasionally call on us to model for some shot that he needed. When he gave us a copy of this picture we all thought it was hilarious (especially once I got going with the teeth whitening feature in Paint Shop.)
These days, we don’t see them near as often as we used to and certainly not as much as we would like but we’re going to spend a few days at the lake together this coming week. The last time were there with them was 10 years ago, right after Bruce and I got married.
You can bet next Friday’s flashback will have a few “then and now” photos of our trip(s).
I’m so thankful for Good Friends that God puts in our paths, aren’t you?
Happy Weekend!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Savannah's Ballet Teacher is Moving
Friday, June 13, 2008
Savannnah's Ballet Recital 2008
Click triangle above to view video
Is that really my daughter in the peach dress dancing like
an angel? I am so proud of you Savannah. All of your dedication
and hard work have paid off. You look absolutely beautiful when
you are dancing. Most people, when they watch you dance, say that
you look at peace and very happy on stage and I must agree.
I pray that you will always use your talents in a way the brings glory
to God.
Let them praise His name with dancing; Let them sing praises to Him with timbrel and lyre. Psalm 149:3
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Ballet Rehearsal Slideshow
This is a slide show of pictures I took at Savannah's
Ballet Dress Rehearsal. The song is by Billy Dean
and is called Let them be Little. It almost makes me cry
to watch it because it seems like yesterday Savannah was
a little as the cute mice in the pictures. Enjoy!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
Mt Little Songwriter
Christian wrote this song during church yesterday. Allen handed it to me to read and I was blown away. I know, I'm a little prejudice because he is mine. However, he is only 9 years old. He could have a great future in Christian music. What do you think?
He’s the Reason
Who knows when the night shall fall and when the sun will rise?
His name is Jesus…Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.
He’s the reason the sky is blue.
He’s the reason that man is here.
We shall fear him, fear him, oh yes, fear him.
All other religions are sinking sand, But Christ our God is the solid rock, oh yes, the solid rock.
We shall rejoice with our God in heaven.
All other religion shall parish in hell.
Who knows when the night shall fall, and when the sun will rise?
His name is Jesus… Jesus, Jesus, oh yes Jesus.
He’s the reason the sky is blue.
He’s the reason that man is here.
We shall fear him, fear him, fear him.
Christians will rejoice.
Others shall perish.
They shall perish, perish, perish, but we shall rejoice, rejoice, rejoice, rejoice.
By: Christian Barnes
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Christian Sliding Home...
Tonight Christian played an awesome game. The coach even said he didn't know what he would have done without him. He hit 2 out 3 and the two he hit he hit hard. You might be wondering why he is sliding when the ball is no where near him, well in this league they make you slide into home every time regardless if its a close call or not. If you don't slide you are automatically out. Christian I am so proud of you for playing your hardest.
Monday, April 07, 2008
Christian Skateboarding at 8
Thursday, April 03, 2008
2nd Place for Savannah!
Yea! Savannah won 2nd place in her age group at the Science fair where she goes to tutorial on Tuesdays. Her project was on the density of water and she demonstrated how salt make water more dense. Her question was How much salt will it take to make an egg float in a glass of water. She worked so hard on her project and I am so proud of her. She even typed all of her steps in the scientific method and printed it on colorful card stock all by herself. She is growing up way to fast! I love her so much.
I am finally 12
I can't believe it. My baby girl is 12 years old. That is her in the middle and her friend Emilee on the left and Mackenzie on the right. They both go to our church and they spent the night on Savannah's birthday. This was right before bed when I was taking some crazy pictures of them. We also had about 5 other girl over for pizza, cake and ice cream and karaoke. It was a blast but I still can't believe in one year I will have a teenager. Lord, thank you for blessing me with such a sweet, beautiful, and God loving little girl. I can still call her my little girl for a little while longer. Can't I?
Christian and the Snake
When our friends Jonathon and Linda Senn were here a few weekends ago they brought their pet python. It freaked me out just a little. Anyway, after I took this picture and looked at it on the back of the camera I said, "Let's take another picture Christian, you look kind of scared in this one" and Christian said "Well, I am scared and I will probably look scared in the next picture too. This snake could squeeze me to death you know." By the time the Senns left Christian was begging for his own pet snake. I don't think that will ever happen as long as I am living. A dog is as dangerous as I can handle.
Christian's Summer Sled
The other day Christian got bored and decided he was going to build a summer sled by taping, (yes, I said taping with scotch tape) his skateboard to the bottom of his sled. His experiment didn't work to well but once again he had a great time trying. It is by far better for him than playing video games.
Christian's Rocket
Allen and Christian built this rocket a few weeks ago with a kit and took it to the park to watch it take off. It is fueled by baking soda and vinegar. It says it will go 100ft in the air. Well, as you might have guessed, that was false advertisement. I believe it may have reached a whopping ten feet. However they had a BLAST! (no pun intended) building it and experimenting. Allen is the best dad in the world. Tomorrow he is taking the kids to Mammoth Cave while I get to go to a Kay Arthur Precept conference. I am so excited and thankful that I get to go. Thank you Jesus for my wonderful family.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Senns came to visit

Our friends Jon and Linda came down to visit from New York on their way to Washington for yet another move. Since we have been friends (about 4 years) they have moved 4 times. We wish they would stay in Tennessee but they just keep on moving further away. We had a wonderful time with them and their kids. I will post some more pics later from their visit.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Friday, February 29, 2008
Father Daughter Banquet 2008
Allen bought Savannah the prettiest earings to wear to the banquet. This event has become one of Savannah's favorite things that she looks forward to every year. It is closest thing to dating she'll get to do for at least 10 more years!
Saturday, January 26, 2008
My New Odyssey
Christian MVP
This game was the most exciting game Christian has ever played. Christian's team is undefeated and they are usually up by 10pts. in the 1st period, but not this game. The other team was ahead 8-0 after the first period and the coach decided to put Christian in and the game and the team made an incredible comeback and beat them 38-10. Christian was playing incredible defense. After the game the coach really praised Christian. He said "Christian played his little heart out for 6 solid minutes, and before Christian came in the game you guys were doing nothing. I am so proud of you Christian." When the coach started saying all of this I was tearing up and I had to hide my face. Christian has always said I don't think I good as some of the other boys and Allen and I have always said, "just do your best and that is all you can do and to not give up ever! Christian, we are very proud of you too. Go Sonics!!!
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Savannah singing at Church
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Monday, November 19, 2007
I can't even think about how much Savannah has grown up with out tearing up. She is turning into a young lady but it seems like this picture was taken only yesterday.
Christian age 2

Geography Fair 2007
Can you say excited? Christian won 1st place in his Geography Fair at his tutorial. There were about 20 participants. they each had to choose a state to do there project on and he chose Tennessee (imagine that). He had more fun doing this project than going to Disney World. It took many hours and some lost sleep, but it was well worth the hard work. He even played Rocky Top and handed out Little Debbie Cakes. Mom, I now know what it is like to stay up all night to help my child with a project and boy do I appreciate you for the many times you did that for me! Being a mom is hard work but very rewarding!