Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Typical Day and Sunday School Party!

This is the kids favorite part of the day! Just kidding. they are just like any other kids. they would much rather play anyday. This is what our mornings consist of (WORK).

This is our Scientist/ Mechanic in the making
we gave him this old TV that doesn't work and he has had a great time taking it apart and making things with the parts.

Typical day of school. Work then lunch together on the couch! How Sweet!
We have been so busy with school stuff lately I haven't had much time to blog so I am gonna have to catch up!

This picture was taken at our Sunday school fellowship at our house during the superbowl. We ordered pizza and everybody brought a little something. We had 10 adults and 10 children here.

1 comment:

Julie Clark said...

looks like fun!!!!