Monday, July 23, 2007

The Kids New Ping Pong Table

Ping Pong July 2007 002, originally uploaded by Barnes Pics.

While we were out of town a few weeks ago we stayed with some family members who graciously opened their home to us and they had a pool table and a ping pong table. Well, Christian fell in love with ping pong. I felt so bad about having to find a new home for our dog that when we got home from our trip I went on a mad search for a ping pong table. I eventually found one on craigslist for $50. I was so excited but not half as excited as Christian was. We surprised the kids one morning by asking Christian to go out to get the mail and there was a truck in the street with the table in it. I don't think I have ever seen him so excited. Maybe now he will forgive me for not having the patience for a dog in the house. I hope so!

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