Saturday, October 28, 2006

Our prayer for Christian

For those of you who do not know, this last week of our lives we have
been in constant prayer for our son Christian. A couple of weeks ago
he started experiencing an involuntary tic or jerk in his neck along
with some personality and behavior changes (much more boisterous and
animated). We went to see the doctor and she ordered a CT scan of his
brain and that turned out to be completely normal (no brain tumors or
lesions). Praise the Lord! So now it is just a waiting game to see if
it worsens or gets better. The doctor has said it could be something
called Transient Tics, which a lot of children at his age get but
outgrow, or it could be Turrets Syndrome. Our prayer is that whatever
he has he will be healed. Many of you have already been praying and
our God is good. Christian has improved by at least 70%. His behavior
and personality changes have pretty much disappeared and the tics have
lessened a lot. The symptoms can come and go and can even disappear
for as long as 3 months, but we have faith that all the prayers are
being answered. Allen and I want to thank you so much for praying and
continuing to pray for Christian. We are so blessed to have friends
and family that are brothers and sisters in Christ and that we can
call on to pray. Please continue to pray that the Lord will heal

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