Today was Christian's 9th Birthday. These pictures were taken at his party on August the 19th. He had about 10 friends that came to play putt-putt and ride go-carts. They had a fabulous time. Christian, it is so hard to believe you are nine years old. It seems like yesterday you were driving my van through Peggy's garage door. To think, that was 5 years ago. I sure am proud of the young man you are turning into. You ask so many deep questions about God and that scares me and excites me at the same time. I know it seems weird for me to say it scares me, but what that means is, I am scared you will outsmart me and I will no longer be able to answer the questions you have. I am glad you are a thinker and don't believe everything you hear. I am blessed to have you as my son. My favorite thing about you is the way you make me laugh. You are always coming up with the funniest saying and jokes. One of your favorite things to do is play practical jokes on people. I think you got that from your daddy. Legos and video games are your favorite thing to play right now and when it is not too hot you enjoy riding your skateboard. I can't wait to see what the next 9 years will bring. I pray God will keep you safe and surround you with a hedge of protection. I love you and am so proud of you.
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