Christian had one of his best buds Ramsey over last night and the night before that Christian spent the night at Ramsey's new house. They are like two peas in a pod and play so good together. I remember when they were about 2 or 3 years old and every week Regina and I would get together and talk and the boys would play. Those were pre- homeschooling days or even better The Good Ole' Days. There was one time when I came downstairs after being on the phone or something and Christian and Ramsey were in the kitchen sink squirting each other with the the sprayer and water was everywhere. It wasn't very funny at that moment but now I look back on it and laugh. It is funny how at the time it was such a huge mess to clean but now I look back and wish I could do it again. Those kind of funny, sweet moments just don't happen as much the older they get. The older they get the easier it gets in some ways but in other ways it gets harder. I miss them being so innocent and curious, but I also love the adventure of what is happening now and what is going to happen in the future. One thing I am certain of and that is they belong to God. They are only in our care for a short time and I need to remind myself of this daily, or before I blink my eyes they will be grown and I will have taken for granted the time and those precious, special, crazy and unforgettable moments.
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